Sunday, May 12, 2024
Homemoral stories in englishmoral stories in english : The Wise Farmer and His Sons

moral stories in english : The Wise Farmer and His Sons

Telugu Flash News

english moral stories 

Once upon a time, in a peaceful village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a wise farmer named John. John was known far and wide for his wisdom and his ability to impart valuable life lessons to his three sons: Mark, Luke, and David.

One sunny morning, John sat on his porch, looking out at his large farm. He called his sons to come closer and said with a friendly smile, “I have a task for each of you, but first, I want to teach you something important.”

He pointed to a bundle of sticks that lay nearby. “Each of you, take one stick,” he instructed.

The three sons did as they were told, each selecting a stick from the bundle. John then said, “Now, I want you to break the stick you hold in your hand.”

Confused but eager to follow their father’s instructions, the sons tried to break their sticks. Mark, the eldest, put all his strength into it but could not break the stick. Luke, the middle son, also tried but failed. David, the youngest, gave it his best effort but couldn’t break the stick either.


John smiled and said, “Now, watch this.” He took the remaining sticks from the bundle and handed one to each of his sons. “Try to break these sticks,” he said.

The sons took their new sticks, and this time, they were able to break them with ease.

John explained, “My dear sons, the lesson here is simple but profound. Just as these sticks are strong when they are together but weak when they are alone, so too are you, my sons. If you stand united and support each other, you will be strong and unbreakable. But if you let disagreements and division come between you, you will be like those individual sticks, easily broken.”

The sons nodded, understanding the wisdom in their father’s words. From that day forward, they worked together harmoniously on the farm, helping each other through the challenges and celebrating their successes together.

As the years passed, John grew old and eventually passed away. His sons inherited the farm and continued to work together, upholding the lesson of unity and strength their father had taught them. The village admired the bond among the brothers, and their farm prospered, becoming a symbol of the power of unity.

The moral of the story is that unity is strength. When we work together and support one another, we can overcome even the toughest challenges in life. Just as a bundle of sticks is harder to break than individual sticks, so too are we stronger when we stand together.

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