Sunday, May 12, 2024
Homemoral stories in englishmoral stories in english : The Selfless Sparrow

moral stories in english : The Selfless Sparrow

Telugu Flash News

English Moral Stories

Once upon a time in a lush, green forest, there lived a small and humble sparrow named Sam. Sam was known throughout the forest for his kindness and willingness to help others. He had a cozy nest high up in a tree, which he had built with great care.

One sunny morning, as Sam was singing his melodious tunes from a branch, he heard a faint cry for help. Following the sound, he discovered a young and injured squirrel named Sally trapped under a fallen branch.

Without hesitation, Sam fluttered down to the ground and used his tiny beak to carefully lift the heavy branch just enough for Sally to wiggle out. Sally was immensely grateful and thanked Sam profusely for saving her life. She offered to help Sam in return, but he declined, saying, “It’s my duty to help those in need.”

Word of Sam’s selfless act spread throughout the forest, and animals from all corners came to admire him. They often sought his advice and assistance, knowing that he would always lend a helping wing or lend a sympathetic ear.

One day, a wise old owl named Oliver approached Sam. “You have a heart full of kindness, Sam,” said Oliver. “But remember, it’s okay to accept help from others as well. By doing so, you allow them to experience the joy of giving, just as you have.”


Sam pondered Oliver’s words and realized that he had never allowed others to help him. Determined to understand the joy of giving, he decided to let his forest friends assist him with building a new nest, even though he was perfectly capable of doing it himself.

As he watched his friends working together, he noticed their smiles and laughter. They were delighted to help Sam, just as he had helped them countless times before. Sam understood the true meaning of Oliver’s advice. Accepting help wasn’t a sign of weakness; it was an opportunity for others to experience the joy of giving and kindness.

From that day forward, Sam continued to help those in need, but he also learned to accept assistance when it was offered. The forest became an even more harmonious place, filled with creatures who understood the beauty of giving and receiving.

And so, the story of the selfless sparrow, Sam, taught everyone that kindness could change the world and that allowing others to help could be just as meaningful as helping them in return.

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