Sunday, May 12, 2024
Homemoral stories in englishmoral stories in english : The Kindness of a Little Sparrow

moral stories in english : The Kindness of a Little Sparrow

Telugu Flash News

English Moral Stories | 

Once upon a time, in a small, peaceful village, there lived a little sparrow named Lily. Lily was known for her cheerful and kind nature. She had a lovely nest in a tall oak tree near the village square.

One hot summer day, the village was struck by a terrible drought. The once-green fields turned brown, and the river began to run dry. The villagers were worried about their crops and their animals, for they were all suffering due to the lack of water.

Lily, the little sparrow, saw the villagers’ struggles and felt sad for them. She decided to help in any way she could. So, every morning, she would fly to the nearby river, dip her beak in the water, and then sprinkle a few drops on the thirsty earth.

At first, the villagers didn’t notice this tiny act of kindness. But as the days passed, they observed that the area around Lily’s tree remained green and fertile, in stark contrast to the rest of the parched land.

One day, a curious young girl named Mia saw Lily carrying drops of water from the river. She watched the little sparrow diligently sprinkling water on the ground. Mia realized that this small bird was responsible for the green oasis in the village.


Mia hurried to tell the other villagers about Lily’s selfless act. They were amazed and touched by the bird’s compassion and dedication. Inspired by Lily’s kindness, the villagers decided to join her in her mission.

They formed a line, carrying buckets and jars to the river, and together, they watered the land. Soon, the fields began to flourish, and the river started to flow again.

The village was saved from the drought, and it became more prosperous than ever. The villagers were grateful to Lily, the little sparrow, and Mia, the young girl who had shared her discovery.

The moral of the story is that even the smallest act of kindness can make a significant difference. It’s not the size of the deed but the sincerity and compassion behind it that truly matter. Like Lily, we can all contribute to making the world a better place through our kindness and empathy.

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