Telangana Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Bhatti Vikramarka has rejected a proposal by RTC MD Sajjanar to charge women for tickets during the Medaram Jatara.
The proposal was discussed at a recent meeting between Bhatti Vikramarka, Transport Minister Ponnam Prabhakar, and RTC officials. Sajjanar had argued that charging women for tickets on special buses during the Jatara would increase the corporation’s revenue.
Bhatti Vikramarka, however, rejected the proposal, saying that it was not fair. He clarified that women should be allowed to travel free of charge, regardless of the circumstances. He also ordered that women should not be charged for tickets during any other jatara.
The RTC has decided to operate 6,000 special buses for the Medaram Jatara, which will be held from February 18 to 25. Of these, 2,000 buses will be operated from Hyderabad alone.
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