Sudhamurthy, the wife of Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy and a writer, has recently approached the police with a complaint. She alleges that her name is being wrongfully used by some individuals who are collecting money for events unrelated to her. Sudhamurthy, along with her executive assistant, has formally filed this complaint with the police.
One specific incident involved an invitation from Kannada Kuta Northern California (KKNC) for Sudhamurthy to attend their organization’s 50th-anniversary event. She had declined the invitation due to prior commitments. However, Sudhamurthy’s name was later falsely associated with the event, with her being inaccurately portrayed as the chief guest. KKNC claims they were deceived by a woman named Lavanya, who purported to be Sudhamurthy’s personal secretary.
In yet another incident, a woman misused Sudhamurthy’s name, falsely advertising her attendance at an event in America and collecting $40 from those interested in attending. Following Sudhamurthy’s complaint, the police have initiated an investigation to determine if there are other instances of women in India or America exploiting her name for fraudulent purposes.