Sunday, May 12, 2024
HomelifestyleIs exposing navel while wearing a saree good or bad ?

Is exposing navel while wearing a saree good or bad ?

Telugu Flash News

Whether an exposed navel in a saree is considered good or bad depends on cultural, personal, and social perspectives. It’s essential to understand that opinions on this matter can vary widely among individuals and communities. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Cultural Context:

In many traditional Indian cultures, the navel is considered a symbol of sensuality and is often celebrated. In some dance forms like Bharatanatyam and Kathak, exposing the navel is an essential part of the costume and adds to the overall aesthetics.

2. Personal Preference:

Individual preferences vary greatly. Some people may feel comfortable and confident with an exposed navel in a saree, while others may prefer to cover it for modesty reasons or personal comfort.

3. Occasion:

The appropriateness of an exposed navel may depend on the occasion. For a formal or religious event, covering the navel might be more appropriate, while for a casual or festive occasion, it may be more acceptable.

4. Regional Variations:

Attitudes towards clothing and modesty can also vary by region within India and among Indian diaspora communities worldwide. What is considered fashionable or acceptable in one region may differ from another.

5. Changing Trends:

Fashion trends evolve over time, and what is considered fashionable can change. Some contemporary saree styles may intentionally feature an exposed navel as part of a more modern and bold look.


In summary, whether an exposed navel in a saree is seen as good or bad is subjective and depends on various factors, including cultural norms, personal preferences, and the specific context. It’s essential to respect individual choices and cultural traditions when considering such matters.

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