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Homerecipesflax seeds laddu Recipe: A Healthy Sweet Treat

flax seeds laddu Recipe: A Healthy Sweet Treat

Telugu Flash News

flax seeds laddu is a delicious and nutritious Indian sweet treat that you can easily make at home. Here’s a simple recipe to make flax seeds laddus:


– 1 cup flaxseeds (ground)
– 1/2 cup jaggery or brown sugar (adjust to taste)
– 1/4 cup grated coconut (optional)
– 1/4 cup ghee (clarified butter)
– 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder (optional)
– Chopped nuts (like almonds or cashews) for garnish (optional)


1. Dry Roasting Flaxseeds:

Heat a pan over medium heat. Add the flaxseeds and dry roast them for a few minutes until they become aromatic and start popping. Stir constantly to avoid burning. This roasting process enhances the flavor of the flaxseeds.

2. Grind the Flaxseeds:

Allow the roasted flaxseeds to cool down slightly. Then, grind them into a coarse powder using a mixer or food processor. Make sure not to over-grind; you want a coarse texture.


3. Prepare Jaggery Syrup:

In a separate pan, add the jaggery (or brown sugar) and a couple of tablespoons of water. Heat over low-medium heat until the jaggery melts and forms a syrup. If you’re using cardamom powder, add it to the syrup for added flavor.

4. Combine Flaxseed Powder:

Add the ground flaxseed powder to the jaggery syrup and mix well. Keep the heat on low to prevent the mixture from drying out too quickly.

5. Add Ghee and Coconut:

Add the ghee to the mixture and stir continuously. If you’re using grated coconut, add it at this stage. Continue cooking and stirring for about 3-5 minutes until the mixture thickens and starts to leave the sides of the pan. It should have a sticky consistency.

6. Shape into Laddus:

Remove the mixture from the heat and allow it to cool slightly. While it’s still warm, grease your palms with a little ghee to prevent sticking, and shape the mixture into small laddus or balls. You can make them as big or as small as you like.

7. Garnish (optional):

If desired, press a chopped nut (like an almond or cashew piece) into the top of each laddu for decoration.

8. Cool and Store:

Allow the flax seeds laddus to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container. They will firm up as they cool.

These flax seeds laddus are a healthy and energy-packed snack. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and essential nutrients. Enjoy them as a guilt-free sweet treat or as an on-the-go snack whenever you need an energy boost.


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