Homehealthwhy we should not eat curd after eating fish? myth or fact?

why we should not eat curd after eating fish? myth or fact?

Telugu Flash News

The idea that you should not eat curd (yogurt) after eating fish is a cultural or traditional belief held in some regions, particularly in South Asia. There are a few reasons cited for this practice, but it’s important to note that these reasons are not based on scientific evidence and are more rooted in cultural beliefs and dietary traditions.

Here are a couple of common explanations:

Digestive Incompatibility:

One reason given for not eating curd after fish is that they are considered to be incompatible foods in terms of digestion. Some believe that the combination of curd and fish can lead to digestive discomfort, such as bloating or indigestion. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim, and it largely depends on an individual’s digestive system and tolerance.

Temperature Imbalance:

Another explanation is that fish is considered a “cooling” food, while curd is considered a “heating” food in traditional Ayurvedic or Chinese medicine systems. It is believed that consuming these foods together may create an imbalance in the body’s temperature and disrupt the body’s equilibrium. Again, this concept lacks scientific support.

It’s essential to remember that food compatibility and dietary practices can vary widely among cultures and individuals. Some people may follow these guidelines based on tradition and personal beliefs, while others may not observe any dietary restrictions regarding the consumption of fish and curd together.

From a nutritional standpoint, there is no inherent issue with eating fish and curd together. Both foods can be part of a healthy diet and provide essential nutrients. However, if you have specific dietary restrictions or concerns based on cultural or personal beliefs, it’s important to respect those preferences. If you have specific dietary or health concerns, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance.


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