1. Look for street food vendors who maintain hygienic cooking practices and have a good reputation for food safety and hygiene.

2. Before ordering, take a moment to observe how the food is prepared and handled. Ensure the vendor follows proper hygiene practices such as using clean utensils and wearing gloves when necessary.

3. Prefer foods cooked to order or prepared in front of you. Avoid pre-cooked or reheated food, which may have been sitting for a while.

4. Make sure the food you order is fully cooked. It is important for meat, seafood and poultry to kill any harmful bacteria or parasites.

5. Ensure that the utensils and cooking equipment used by the vendor are clean and properly washed. Dirty utensils contribute to contamination and foodborne illness.

6. Avoid preparing street food items with washed or untreated water as it is a source of water borne diseases. This includes things like fresh fruit salads or juices washed down with tap water.

7. Hot and steamed food is safe as high temperature helps to kill bacteria. Choose items that are freshly prepared and served hot.

8. Before eating, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean water or use hand sanitizers. This is important to prevent the spread of germs.

9. Street food vendors should store their ingredients properly to avoid contamination. Raw and cooked food should be stored separately and perishable items should be refrigerated.

10. If you have any doubts about the safety or hygiene of street food or you are better off avoiding it. Trust your instincts and prioritize your health and well-being.