HomecinemaNTR Flaunts His Abs in War 2 Action Sequence with Hrithik Roshan?

NTR Flaunts His Abs in War 2 Action Sequence with Hrithik Roshan?

Telugu Flash News

Actor NTR is working on a movie called War 2, directed by Ayan Mukherjee. Filming is happening right now in Mumbai.

There’s a rumor going around that NTR will be shirtless in an action scene! He’s already training to get a toned physique for the role.

We’ll see NTR with a lean and muscular look in this movie. He’ll be acting alongside Hrithik Roshan, and there will be fight scenes between their characters.

The producers, Yash Raj Films, are putting a lot of effort into making this movie a big success. They’re throwing a lot of money at the production.


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