Telugu Flash News

Do Moles Really Reveal a Woman’s Fortune? Unveiling Indian Beliefs

moles on skin

Moles are considered to be lucky in many cultures. In India, there is a belief that the location of a mole on a woman’s body can indicate her luck and fortune.

Here are some of the beliefs about moles on a woman’s body:

Between the eyebrows:

A mole between the eyebrows is said to indicate wealth and prosperity. It is also believed to bring good luck in children.

On the forehead:

A mole on the forehead is said to indicate intelligence and wisdom. It is also believed to bring good luck in career and business.

On the nose:

A mole on the nose is said to indicate good health and vitality. It is also believed to bring good luck in love and marriage.

On the lips:

A mole on the lips is said to indicate sensuality and passion. It is also believed to bring good luck in communication and relationships.

On the shoulders:

A mole on the shoulders is said to indicate strength and independence. It is also believed to bring good luck in travel and adventure.

On the hands:

A mole on the hands is said to indicate good fortune and luck. It is also believed to bring success in business and career.

It is important to note that these are just beliefs and there is no scientific evidence to support them. However, many people find comfort and reassurance in these beliefs.


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