HomescienceWhat is a Chandra Grahan? Mystery of Lunar Eclipses !!

What is a Chandra Grahan? Mystery of Lunar Eclipses !!

Telugu Flash News

The 2023 Chandra Grahan, or lunar eclipse, will occur on October 28, 2023. It will start at 11:31 PM and end at 3:36 AM on October 29, 2023. The greatest eclipse will occur at 1:45 AM on October 29. The eclipse will be visible in India. The Moon will turn a reddish-brown color during the eclipse. The eclipse will be a partial lunar eclipse. The Ministry of Science has released an official statement saying that the eclipse will occur on October 28-29, 2023.

What is a Chandra Grahan?

Chandra Grahan is a term used in Hindu astrology and astronomy to refer to a lunar eclipse. In Sanskrit, “Chandra” means the moon, and “Grahan” means to seize or to grasp. During a Chandra Grahan, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth’s shadow to be cast on the surface of the Moon. This celestial event results in the temporary darkening of the Moon.

There are two main types of lunar eclipses:

1. Partial Lunar Eclipse: In a partial lunar eclipse, only a portion of the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, causing part of the Moon to appear darkened.

2. Total Lunar Eclipse: In a total lunar eclipse, the entire Moon passes through the Earth’s umbral shadow, resulting in the Moon appearing to turn a reddish or copper color. This phenomenon is often referred to as a “Blood Moon” due to the Moon’s reddish hue during this phase.

Chandra Grahan holds significance in Hindu mythology and is often associated with various religious and astrological beliefs. Some people observe specific rituals or practices during a lunar eclipse, as it is believed to be an auspicious or inauspicious time depending on one’s individual beliefs. Additionally, in traditional Hindu astrology, the positioning of celestial bodies during a Chandra Grahan is considered when making predictions and analyzing astrological charts.

It’s worth noting that lunar eclipses are natural astronomical events, and their occurrence can be predicted with great accuracy by astronomers and scientists. While they have cultural and religious significance for some, they are primarily natural phenomena caused by the alignment of the Earth, Moon, and Sun in space.



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